Any Teabagger Apologists Out There?

From HuffPo:

Abusive, derogatory and even racist behavior directed at House Democrats by Tea Party protesters on Saturday left several lawmakers in shock.

Preceding the president’s speech to a gathering of House Democrats, thousands of protesters descended around the Capitol to protest the passage of health care reform. The gathering quickly turned into abusive heckling, as members of Congress passing through Longworth House office building were subjected to epithets and even mild physical abuse.

A staffer for Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) told reporters that Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) had been spat on by a protestor. Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), a hero of the civil rights movement, was called a ‘ni–er.’ And Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) was called a “faggot,” as protestors shouted at him with deliberately lisp-y screams. Frank, approached in the halls after the president’s speech, shrugged off the incident.

But Clyburn was downright incredulous, saying he had not witnessed such treatment since he was leading civil rights protests in South Carolina in the 1960s.

“It was absolutely shocking to me,” Clyburn said, in response to a question from the Huffington Post. “Last Monday, this past Monday, I stayed home to meet on the campus of Claflin University where fifty years ago as of last Monday… I led the first demonstrations in South Carolina, the sit ins… And quite frankly I heard some things today I have not heard since that day. I heard people saying things that I have not heard since March 15, 1960 when I was marching to try and get off the back of the bus.”

“It doesn’t make me nervous as all,” the congressman said, when asked how the mob-like atmosphere made him feel. “In fact, as I said to one heckler, I am the hardest person in the world to intimidate, so they better go somewhere else.”

Anyone want to tell me how this shit is “patriotic,” “brave,” or “free-thinking?”

Still want to tell me how the TEA movement is fundamentally a grass roots movement of intellectuals frustrated about Constitutional affronts?


‘Cause it looks to me like a bunch of homophobes/racists/bigots afraid of losing their majority ‘might makes right’ control. And if you AREN’T a homophobic racist bigot, you might want to rethink your bunkmates.

Just sayin’.

Not Buying It.

Maddow Double Whammy

Rachel Maddow to Orrin Hatch, Washington Post:  Why can’t you be more like Kevin?

Burning Shame Award: Misogyny Loves Company

This week’s Burning Shame Award is a truly a tag-team effort and goes to Mr. Harvie Christian for his asinine comment to an asinine Letter to the Editor in the online edition of the KPT-TN written by one Charlton Rhinehart of Kingsport, Tennessee.  The letter, a lament on the the possible loss of DADT , is bad enough to garner the award one its own merit:

The military’s don’t ask, don’t tell policy is one of the last laws against gays to end. Originally, all states had laws against gays, some as much as the death penalty. But those days are done, and anyone who thinks we can still turn back is out of touch. However, what is destined to happen if allowed is that government will be promoting gays. At Capitol Park in Sacramento, Calif., a memorial reads, “In honor of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender veterans killed in action.” Why couldn’t a memorial for all veterans be suitable? We are not honoring their service, but their lifestyle. Many sinful acts are legal, but none are promoted by government yet. Gays will soon have government-backed holidays, scholarships and recognition. Homosexuals are not a minority deserving special treatment, but a group by choice. It is one thing to not discriminate against a lifestyle, but to promote is intolerable. Homosexuality will remain objectionable to much of America as long as there is freedom of religion. For government to go beyond tolerating to promoting would be devastating. But without serious opposition, it is destined for all America.

Rhinehart waxes rhapsodic for the good ol’ days, you know, when you could kill a gay.  And now, as if not being able to kill the gays isn’t bad enough, we might actually start giving them “special treatment.”  I presume by “special treatment,” he means not killing them. No – I am sorry, he means not discriminating against them. Because not discriminating against the Gays is the same as promoting them?  And by Jesus we have a God-given right to hate the Gays! WTFB? [“WTFB” = WTFbigot?  i just got tired of writing it out all the time].

So yes, the original letter is shitty enough. But then our man Harvie fucking takes it to the hoop of insane omniphobia.  He sees Rhinehart’s homophobia and religiously-justified hate and RAISES HIM A TRUCKLOAD OF MISOGYNY.  Check this shit out:

“What ever happened to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”? Just wondering.”

Man got married and women were given equal rights. That is what happened to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To solve the unemployment in the United States all we have to do is insure the male workers are making sufficient salaries to support their families and send the woman back home where she should be working doing her job keeping the house clean, doing the everyday chores, and properly brining up her kids. If the women were taken out of the work force then all those jobs would become available to men and the unemployment problem would cease to exist. This is highly unlikely to happen though since women will never be satisfied in their God given role now that they have tasted the freedom to work outside their home and not take care of their kids. Why do we have so many messed up kids in the world today? Simply because motherhood has gone out the window. Women are willing to work for a lesser salary than men so the companies are happy to hire them and keep the salary’s of the men down. This feeds itself because the men do not make enough to support their families thus forcing the woman to go to work. It is all greed of the big companies and the owners of these big companies are generally conservatives. Now back to the original story about the promotion of homosexuality. That has been taking place since at least the late 60’s and early 70’s when gays were first encouraged to come out of the closet. I doubt the number of homosexuals has increased that much in percentage to heterosexual people but they just don’t live in day to day fear like they once were forced to. Being a homosexual is not a lifestyle choice. You are either born as a homosexual or you are not. Regardless of what lifestyle the homosexual lives he or she is still a homosexual. I would think that we should encourage homosexuals to be true to their lifestyle because then they would not reproduce and no reproduction should logically cut down on their numbers considerably. Homosexual men don’t go out looking for relations with straight men because in order for a relationship to develope between a straight man and a homosexual man the straight man would have to be sexually attracted to the gay man and by definition that would make the straight man gay. I would think that straight men would be more acceptable of gay men because by being gay the homosexual is not in competition for the females. Since Jesus never got married or had relations with a female and always surrounded himself with men and taught them to be fishers of men in today’s society he would be considered homosexual.

Strangely, Harvie goes on to acknowledge that homosexuality is not a choice, but then advocates to simply breed it out of existence.  Again, WTFB?

So Harvie and Charlton, our Burning Shame Award goes out to you. You ought to be ashamed.

The Lady's Not For Burning

1 2 3 4 – Wait, What Exactly ARE You Fighting For?

I have posted several times about the fracturing of the Teabaggers disgruntled Libertarians self-proclaimed patriots angry mob Glenn Beck followers Crazy Palin Supporters Oath Keepers John Birch Society New Minutemen Ayn Rand Wankers TEA movement thing, as well as what I perceive to be the inherent problems of the “movement,” ranging from miseducation to willful hypocrisy to bigotry. One element, however, that I have not addressed very much is the apocalyptic hysteria.

Well friends, that time has come.

Yesterday’s New York Times contained a very interesting article on the TEAbaggery. And yes, after much internal debate, I have decided to refer collectively to the whole lot (lot = [Teabaggers disgruntled Libertarians self-proclaimed patriots angry mob Glenn Beck followers Crazy Palin Supporters Oath Keepers John Birch Society New Minutemen Ayn Rand Wankers TEA movement thing]) as TEAbaggery. They picked the name (no really Mom, they did) and I like it so there you go. Nomenclature aside, I have culled some of the more alarmist/jaw-dropping quotes from the article for us to discuss.

Who joins the TEAbaggery? Primarily people who are fed up and/or afraid and either don’t know or are unable to articulate why.  Also, a lack of prior education on government/politics/civics is good, as is a poor voting record.  Then the angry and fed up, either by divine luck or shrewd marketing, stumble upon the likes of Ron Paul and Glenn Beck. At this point, the proto-baggers receive an “Education” about what the Constitution *really* means and how those vague and ill-defined feelings of being shafted are *really* the pure spark of Constitutional Love.

The[ local TEAgroups] are frequently led by political neophytes who prize independence and tell strikingly similar stories of having been awakened by the recession. Their families upended by lost jobs, foreclosed homes and depleted retirement funds, they said they wanted to know why it happened and whom to blame.

That is often the point when Tea Party supporters say they began listening to Glenn Beck. With his guidance, they explored the Federalist Papers, exposés on the Federal Reserve, the work of Ayn Rand and George Orwell. Some went to constitutional seminars. Online, they discovered radical critiques of Washington on Web sites like (“Home of the Patriotic Resistance”) and (“Because there is a war on for your mind.”).

Many describe emerging from their research as if reborn to a new reality. Some have gone so far as to stock up on ammunition, gold and survival food in anticipation of the worst. For others, though, transformation seems to amount to trying on a new ideological outfit — embracing the rhetoric and buying the books.

And this:

Most of the people [at a TEA gathering in WA state] had paid only passing attention to national politics in years past. “I voted twice and I failed political science twice,” said Darin Stevens, leader of the Spokane 9/12 Project.

Until the recession, Mr. Stevens, 33, had poured his energies into his family and his business installing wireless networks. He had to lay off employees, and he struggled to pay credit cards, a home equity loan, even his taxes. “It hits you physically when you start getting the calls,” he said.

He discovered Glenn Beck, and began to think of Washington as a conspiracy to fleece the little guy. “I had no clue that my country was being taken from me,” Mr. Stevens explained. He could not understand why his progressive friends did not see what he saw.

But what *exactly* do they think is so wrong?  Well, depends on who is talking, apparently. And a lot of the “fear” seems to be grounded in fantasy and fearmongering.

At a recent meeting of the Sandpoint Tea Party, Mrs. Stout presided with brisk efficiency until a member interrupted with urgent news. Because of the stimulus bill, he insisted, private medical records were being shipped to federal bureaucrats. A woman said her doctor had told her the same thing. There were gasps of rage. Everyone already viewed health reform as a ruse to control their medical choices and drive them into the grip of insurance conglomerates. Debate erupted. Could state medical authorities intervene? Should they call Congress? trumpets “exclusives” reporting that the Army is seeking “Internment/Resettlement” specialists. On, bloggers warn that Mr. Obama is trying to convert Interpol, the international police organization, into his personal police force. They call on “fellow Patriots” to “grab their guns.”

People are more willing, he said, to imagine a government that would lock up political opponents, or ration health care with “death panels,” or fake global warming. And if global warming is a fraud, is it so crazy to wonder about a president’s birth certificate?

“People just do not trust any of this,” Mr. [Richard] Mack said. “It’s not just the fringe people anymore. These are just ordinary people — teachers, bankers, housewives.”

Well, what are they going to do about it? I don’t know that THEY really know.

Tea Party leaders say they know their complaints about shredded constitutional principles and excessive spending ring hollow to some, given their relative passivity through the Bush years. In some ways, though, their main answer — strict adherence to the Constitution — would comfort every card-carrying A.C.L.U. member.

But their vision of the federal government is frequently at odds with the one that both parties have constructed. Tea Party gatherings are full of people who say they would do away with the Federal Reserve, the federal income tax and countless agencies, not to mention bailouts and stimulus packages. Nor is it unusual to hear calls to eliminate Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. A remarkable number say this despite having recently lost jobs or health coverage. Some of the prescriptions they are debating — secession, tax boycotts, states “nullifying” federal laws, forming citizen militias — are outside the mainstream, too.

But it sure seems that the end goal is going to require a LOT of ammo.  Many people appear to be fear/hoping for an armed “rebellion” – a desire that is both created and fed in an extremely irresponsible manner by people who should know better.

Mr. Beck frequently echoes Patriot rhetoric, discussing the possible arrival of a “New World Order” and arguing that Mr. Obama is using a strategy of manufactured crisis to destroy the economy and pave the way for dictatorship.

Politicians courting the Tea Party movement are also alluding to Patriot dogma. At a Tea Party protest in Las Vegas, Joe Heck, a Republican running for Congress, blamed both the Democratic and Republican Parties for moving the country toward “socialistic tyranny.” In Texas, Gov. Rick Perry, a Republican seeking re-election, threw his support behind the state sovereignty movement. And in Indiana, Richard Behney, a Republican Senate candidate, told Tea Party supporters what he would do if the 2010 elections did not produce results to his liking: “I’m cleaning my guns and getting ready for the big show. And I’m serious about that, and I bet you are, too.”

When Friends for Liberty held its first public event, Mrs. Stout listened as Richard Mack, a former Arizona sheriff, brought 1,400 people to their feet with a speech about confronting a despotic federal government. Mrs. Stout said she felt as if she had been handed a road map to rebellion.

And when you have highly visible media darlings (Beck) or elected officials with the non-stop ranting.  IF YOU LISTEN TO ME AND REPEAT WHAT I SAY PEOPLE WILL THINK YOU ARE SMART AND PATRIOTIC AND COOL! RED DAWN IS COMING! SOCIALISM IS GOING TO GAY MARRY YOUR GRANDMOTHER TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS! GET READY TO SHOOT YOUR GUN BECAUSE THAT IS A SUPER COOL WAY TO BEHAVE AND TOTALLY JUSTIFIED BY THE CONSTITUTION AND WARRANTED BY THE FACTS! So is it really any surprise when people actually *believe* that Red Dawn is coming and they need to stockpile the weapons and canned goods? Or worse still, they believe based on what they have been told by these “authority” figures that it is perfectly acceptable to threaten violence against elected officials?

One local group represented at Liberty Lake was Arm in Arm, which aims to organize neighborhoods for possible civil strife by stockpiling food and survival gear, and forming armed neighborhood groups.

Also represented was Oath Keepers, whose members call themselves “guardians of the Republic.” Oath Keepers recruits military and law enforcement officials who are asked to disobey orders the group deems unconstitutional. These include orders to conduct warrantless searches, arrest Americans as unlawful enemy combatants or force civilians into “any form of detention camps.”

Gazing out at his overwhelmingly white audience, Mr. Mack felt the need to say, “This meeting is not racist.” Nor, he said, was it a call to insurrection. What is needed, he said, is “a whole army of sheriffs” marching on Washington to deliver an unambiguous warning: “Any violation of the Constitution we will consider a criminal offense.”

The crowd roared.

Not long ago, Mrs. Stout sent an e-mail message to her members under the subject line: “Revolution.” It linked to an article by Greg Evensen, a leader in the militia movement, titled “The Anatomy of an American Revolution,” that listed “grievances” he said “would justify a declaration of war against any criminal enterprise including that which is killing our nation from Washington, D.C.”

Mrs. Stout said she has begun to contemplate the possibility of “another civil war.” It is her deepest fear, she said. Yet she believes the stakes are that high. Basic freedoms are threatened, she said. Economic collapse, food shortages and civil unrest all seem imminent.

“I don’t see us being the ones to start it, but I would give up my life for my country,” Mrs. Stout said. She paused, considering her next words. “Peaceful means,” she continued, “are the best way of going about it. But sometimes you are not given a choice.”

Now, I will admit that I am not above mocking individual TEAbaggers, whether it be for their signage or their bigotry or whatever, but I have said all along that they are inexcusably being led to this insanity. My biggest problems with these shenanigoats are the irresponsible greedy fuckos who fan this crazy for their own commercial gain.

And don’t think for a second that what they are doing isn’t serious and seriously scary. In case you are not convinced, let me end with this quote:

As the [TEA] meeting ended, Carolyn L. Whaley, 76, held up her copy of the Constitution. She carries it everywhere, she explained, and she was prepared to lay down her life to protect it from the likes of Mr. Obama.  “I would not hesitate,” she said, perfectly calm.

You Misspelled "Glenn Beck"

Rush Limbaugh has a Teeny Tiny Penis

For reals. EENSY – like one of those wee little baby carrots. Well,  kind of like that, but smaller and flappier.  And covered in Power Rangers stickers.

I jest. What do I know – or care – about the literal and ironic dicklessness one of America’s biggest dicks?

Yes, he is a greasy, bloated assweasel. But his “derisive intellectual weariness” schtick is really just a serious of pathetic bleats for attention, covered in a bunch of smart-sounding quips that he steals from other, far smarter people.  But that doesn’t necessarily mean that the poor guy is pretty much sans dick.

I mean, sure, there is all the drug use.  And all the jabs at women and the craven envy of men with far more power/intellect/happiness than he could even dream of having. So of course when you consider his actions, and his soft, curvy, womanly figure, it’s only natural to assume he has HPS (hidden penis syndrome) and smells like a 2-week-dead rat stuffed full of feta cheese and cabbage.

So cut the poor little not-quite-a-man some slack when he makes dumbass comments about women and/or “feminism.”  He is just a bitter, Jaba-esque sack of witless impotence and mediocrity.

Who, yes, very likely has a sad little tater tot in his pants.

Holy Crap: Ted Haggard Begs For Our Forgiveness

Ted Haggard was here last week, begging for our forgiveness. No really, people. Ted Haggard was HERE as in HERE – East Tennessee. Apparently, some local church paid Ted and the Mrs. to come and speak to them. Well, they paid Ted to come and beg for forgiveness; Mrs. Ted spoke about said forgiveness, which you may also read about in the book she just recently “wrote.”

Ted’s speech was very Christmas Sweater-y. In fact, Glenn Beck is going to be really pissed when he finds out that Ted is totally stealing his redemption schtick. And as we all know, Glenn Beck will mock your miscarriage on his radio show, so imagine what he will do to poor Ted.

And yes, I DO mean “poor Ted.” I find people that insist that homosexuality is “wrong” to be sad and generally loathsome. That said, I have some sympathy for Ted (due in large part to Alexandra Pelosi’s documentary) and wish very much that he had the ability to accept himself as he is. Which OF COURSE does not absolve him of all the damage that he has done; but neither does it cost us anything to acknowledge his suffering.

Yes, he is responsible for perpetrating many ills and fanning much bigotry in the name of religion. But it would also serve us well to remember that this is a man who hates what he is.  And while he personally is responsible for his perpetuation of hate and fearmongering, we must also recognize that he is also the product of such hate and fear.

You see, I believe that people are not born bigots. I believe that bigots are created. Unlike the bigots who believe that people “choose” to be gay, I do not believe that people “choose” to become bigots – although I do believe that at some point they do choose to continue being bigots. But in some unfortunate cases, people are so insulated in their bigotry that their hate and fear is affirmed by everyone and everything in their life at every turn. Like Ted.

Ted and Mrs. Ted both suggest that true Christians should not be so judgmental, but at no point does anyone even suggest that Christians should rethink the whole rejection thing. Forgiveness and redemption – but absolutely no mention of acceptance. And Ted so firmly and absolutely believes that being gay is wrong, that it is something he can choose or reject, that “choosing” acceptance is almost entirely impossible.

Ted considers his “sin” of being gay so awful and so great that he is going around the country begging the forgiveness of any and every judgmental fuck who attends a church that has paid Ted to come and beg for forgiveness.

Pardon me, but I think there is something very sick and very sad about this.

Here are some experts from the KPT Times-News article:

In 2005, Haggard was listed by Time magazine as one of the top 25 most influential evangelicals in America. He is the founder of New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colo., which at the time of his crisis had 14,000 members.  In 2006, Haggard resigned from all of his church leadership positions after admitting to soliciting a male prostitute for sex and methamphetamine. “I need to know, are you willing to forgive me?” Haggard asked the congregation. His question was met with applause.

He described the crisis as a “moral failure involving sex and drugs.” “There’s incredible shame and pain, and in this Internet age, nothing ever goes away,” he said. “There’s not time, nor is there distance because of the Internet.” Haggard noted that the Lord will always forgive our sins, but people here on Earth aren’t always so forgiving. He added that the forgiveness he has received, especially from people close to him, created an atmosphere in which he could be healed. It’s a lesson that everyone can learn from, he added.

Haggard said, “When the crisis happened she (his daughter) said ‘I am so relieved. I have always seen you as so perfect. Now I can relate to you.’ Before, people thought so highly of me that when they met me they’d be disappointed. Now they think so poorly of me when they meet me they’re relieved.” Gayle Haggard said that when she was told about her husband’s involvement in a drug and sex scandal, she felt as if her life — which she described as perfect to that point — was over. She’d lost her husband, the dignity of her children, and the church she loved.

She added, “We’re really missing it when we think that Christianity is about our own righteousness. I love the way Martin Luther says we’re at the same time saints and sinners. When Ted and I were pastoring we tried to be as compassionate and merciful as we knew how to be — as much as we understood. But what we did not know was what it felt like to be the person who needed mercy and compassion, until we walked through this.”

Haggard noted that Jesus died on the cross for a reason, and the reason is all around us every day. “We all equally need the Lord,” he said. “That’s not to minimize my sin. My sin is great and severe. I need all of the blood of Jesus that’s available to me, and there’s an adequate amount available. But so do all of us.”

Sad. So freaking sad. How can you love something that utterly rejects who you are? Worse still – how can you continue to promote and support such a stance, when there really are other options?

The Moranchurian Candidate

Holy HELL people.

Meet George Hutchins:

Moran For Congress

George likes Beef-a-Roni, racism, and brightly-colored websites with a used-car-lot/flea market vibe.

George want the good people of North Carolina’s 4th District to make him, George Hutchins, their Congressman. I bet you would like to know more about this 70s porn-‘stach rockin’ straight shooter. Well, for starters, George likes Stonehenge:

Where the DEMONS Dwell...

And what voter doesn’t want a candidate that is Stonehenge-positive? But don’t think for a second that just because George’s campaign is pro-Stonehenge that it is pro-anything-non-Christian. Because George LOVES Jesus. And, more importantly Jesus AND Moses are supporting George in his run for Congress:

Holy Shit

Other important things? Well, George has been known to enjoy a hot, Roman bath:

Seriously Dude...

But this does NOT – I repeat DOES NOT mean that George is gay.  Oh no no – George HATES gays.

More holy shit

George REALLY REALLY REALLY hates gays. Apparently, the GAYS are to blame for every bad thing that ever happened to anyone anywhere in the history of ever. Surprised? So was I, until I read George’s very illuminating and scholarly treatise, which I think might be titled “Holy !!!SHIT! the !!!GAYS!!! Are Coming!!!” I have excerpted it below for your edification:

“All major civilizations, since the beginning of recorded time, have fallen into DECLINE, and DECAY, once the majority citizens of each society, had ACCEPTED GAY MALE HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR, to be normal standards of conduct, in open public places.”

“It is uncertain, whether GAY MALE HOMOSEXUAL ACCEPTANCE was the cause of the DECLINE, or if GAY MALE HOMOSEXUAL ACCEPTANCE was a symptom of the DECLINE.”

“The British Empire FELL by 1946, following the Second World War, were at this time, GAY MALE HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR, became ACCEPTED as normal public behavior, by most British citizens.”

=>”Before 1946, the British Empire Ruled the World, dictating MOST global economic markets, and had the World’s Strongest Military, until following the end of World War Two. {1939-1945}”

“The German Weimar Republic, {1919-1933}, a Democratic Government, which existed in Germany, following World War One, [1914-1918], was very tolerant, and ACCEPTED GAY MALE HOMOSEXUAL CONDUCT, in Germany, as normal public behavior.”

=>”Germany, during the time of Weimar Republic, {1919-1933}, became so CHAOTIC, Adolf Hitler was able to march in, SUSPENDING many German Legal Civil Liberties, just in one possible route, to restore safe public order, in Germany, by putting down the Weimar Republic, resulting in countless public freedom abuses in Germany, after the FALL of the Weimar Republic, under Adolf Hitler.”

“The Greek Empire FELL to the Romans, once public GAY MALE HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR, became ACCEPTED, as normal public behavior, by most Greeks.”

“By 400 A.D., 400 years after the birth of Christ, GAY MALE HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR, became, ACCEPTED as normal public behavior, among most Roman Citizens.”

=>”By 400 A.D., The Roman Empire was FALLING apart, and Ebbing in all Roman areas.”

“California, during the 1950’s, 1960’s, and early 1970’s, was the BEST place on EARTH to be.”

“By the YEAR 2000, SAN FRANCISCO  GAY MALE HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR, became, ACCEPTED as normal public behavior, among Most California Residents.”

=>”Since the YEAR 2000, California has been going down the drain, and California is NOW NOT such a GREAT place to be.”

But you know what? The WONDER!!! of George Hutchins doesn’t stop with hating the gays. George is also quite proud to be a racist. In fact, George is opposed to integration and thinks we should all have the liberty to hate and discriminate freely. Why don’t we let him explain why the Civil Rights Act is the root of much current evil:

To stop the OBAMA-NATION Socialists in Washington DC, we must first go to the root of the POISON TREE, which created all them.

This POISON TREE, is the “Social Engineering” located within the so-called 1964 Civil Rights Act, to the U.S. Constitution.

The ONLY REASON, the so-called 1964 Civil Rights Act passed, was due the fact, Lyndon B. JOHNSON, had many political debts owed to him, in 1964.

=> During 1964, if one did NOT repay their political debts, when they were called due, such a politician’s political career was over.

=> Lyndon B. JOHNSON called all his debts in 1964.

To DEFEAT OBAMA-NATION, we must take a close look at all of the “Social Engineering” contained in the so called 1964 Civil Rights Act, and take legal steps to remove this “Social Engineering” contained in the so-called 1964 Civil Rights Act.

“Social Engineering,” includes FORCED DIVERSITY, FORCED RACIAL INTEGRATION, Affirmative Action Quotas Based on Race, and all Privileges Based on Race, which are influenced by the so-called 1964 Civil Rights Act to the U.S. Constitution.

We must use all of our resources NOW, to prevent ALL future U.S. Generations from suffering under the same bondage which were forced upon all of us, due to the so-called 1964 Civil Rights Act.

But don’t fret, minorities. George still welcomes your support, so long as you understand your place. Gays, of course, are not welcome at all.

George Hutchins is Afraid of THE GAY

Stand For More Ridiculous Histrionics From the Dominant Culture

Oh boy. Here we go again. The War On the Imaginary War On Christmas has escalated the interweb hand-wringing. Check out, a site that has been brought to you by the outstanding folks at Focus on the Family. As the site informs:

Millions upon millions in our nation deeply value the great truths of Christmas and the holiday’s inspiring place in American life and culture. We hope you will take a moment to “Stand for Christmas” by sharing feedback about your Christmas shopping experiences.

We’re asking YOU to decide which retailers are “Christmas-friendly.” They want your patronage and your gift-shopping dollars, but do they openly recognize Christmas?

Participants are asked to indicate whether a particular retailer is “Christmas-Friendly,” “Christmas-negligent,” or “Christmas-offensive.”  Readers should know that “Christmas-friendly” does not mean merely that a store does business with one who celebrates Christmas; nor does “Christmas-offensive” mean that a store has taken an action that is hostile toward one who celebrates Christmas.

No no no! For example, check out the following review of Banana Republic:

Comment Date: Nov 28 2009 10:13 AM

Rating: Christmas-Offensive

Comment: I clicked on their ad and used their search function. Typing in “Christmas gifts” I got “Holiday gifts.” Narrowing my search, I typed in “Christmas” and got “0 results for this search.” They will get the same number of purchases from me.

If one does not use the word “Christmas,” then one is offensive.  Likewise, simply acknowledging another religion’s holiday is offensive to those who observe Christmas. Most people have probably heard about the shitstorm over Best Buy. You can see the full story, as well as the HORRIBLY OFFENSIVE AND ANTI-CHRISTIAN ad here.

Wanna know what the bigots at Stand for Christmas think? Oh you know you do!

Comment Date: Dec 1 2009 6:27 AM

Rating: Christmas-Offensive

Comment: We purchased $2000.00 of computer equipment in June & were planning to purchase a Net book & wii system for Christmas. However, I found the Thanksgiving ad celebrating the Muslim holiday offensive. I am disappointed in Best Buy and intend to make my CHRISTMAS purchases & all other puchases in the future elsewhere. I only wish I had known in June-I would have spent that money elsewhere also. I think Best Buy should reconsider their policy!!

Comment Date: Nov 30 2009 9:58 AM

Rating: Christmas-Offensive

Comment: Who on earth do these people have in their marketing department? The number one rule of marketing is to promote your items to people who will buy them. I understand that Eid al-Adha was the day after Thanksgiving, but I don’t buy presents for that holiday any more than I would for Thanksgiving. Like the majority of Americans, I buy *Christmas* presents in honor of the gift God gave to us in the form of Jesus Christ. However, I will NOT be buying them from Best Buy this year. I will Christmas shop ONLY at stores that promote Christmas!!!

Comment Date: Nov 30 2009 7:33 AM

Rating: Christmas-Offensive

Comment: Christmas Negligent AND Offensive, Best Buy. Shame on you. I have purchased much from you each CHRISTMAS Season,but not this year!This is too much for us to grasp–WHY do you feel it important to give good wishes to the Muslim community, and at the same time offend so many Christians and Americans. Maybe you need to reconsider having your business in America. May God help you reconsider your stance.

And just in case this isn’t sufficient righteous indignation, please check the full-strength unfiltered crazy here and here.

So, apparently, in order to be considered “Christmas-friendly,” a retailer must overtly and explicitly recognize Christmas in advertising, personnel interaction, and store decorations and said recognition better be happening by Thanksgiving. In addition, a retailer CANNOT recognize any other religious holidays and must understand that the only event of any importance occurring after Thanksgiving is Christmas.  Furthermore, if a retailer fails to acknowledge Christmas as separate from and superior to all other religious events, then that retailer is patently offensive to christianity.

Good grief, people. What the fuck more do you want? Oh yeah – total control, I forgot. Can’t you just settle for being the dominant culture and leave the rest of us in peace? Oops – forgot that “peace” is offensive, too.

One of My Reasons for the Season

“Reverse” Discrimination: How Fox News Enables the Undereducated to Destroy Logic, Language, and Rationale Thought, Part 7

Fox News is the source of many ills. One of the most irritating/horrifying result of FN’s existence is “reverse” argument. You may know it as the ‘I know you are, but what am I?’ zinger/comeback from our youth.  Effectively, any un- or undereducated bigot now has, at least to their tin ear, a “smart” sounding “argument” to explain/justify/deny/deflect attention away from their bigotry.

I experienced this reality-challenging argument back when California’s Prop 8 was sparking discussions on gay rights on many mainstream fora. One, apparently, was the (utterly unwatchable) View. From what I understand, Ms. Goldberg and Ms. Hasselbeck got into a discussion on the matter. Someone I Know was all aflame with the unrighteous indignation and engaged me in the following conversation:

SIK: It’s just WRONG.

Me: What is just wrong?

SIK: How the LIBERALS are always insisting that people need to be tolerant, but then THEY [i.e., the LIBERALS] are the most intolerant people I know. On national TV, even!

Me: What on earth are you talking about?

SIK: You know, Rosie O’Donnell and Whoopie and Janeane Garafalo. Hypocrites.  They [the LIBERALS] tell us we have to be tolerant of them [by ‘them,’ this person meant The Gays on this particular occasion], but they aren’t tolerant of us.  You know, I don’t care if someone is gay, but I don’t want it shoved in my face all the time. I don’t want to know about it and I don’t like being told that I HAVE to give the gay lifestyle my approval or I am being intolerant. And if someone thinks that homosexuality is wrong, they have a right to talk about it. But when they do, They [again, the LIBERALS] say all sorts of nasty things. THEY are the ones being intolerant.

Me: Ummm…so, because someone advocates for tolerance, they must tolerate intolerance or they are hypocrites?  I don’t get it.

SIK: Yes- exactly.

And there you have the “reverse” argument.  Essentially, if you see something that you believe to be homophobic/racist/bigoted/sexist, and you say ‘hey – that is homophobic/racist/bigoted/sexist!’ then you, my friend, are a “reverse” homophobe/racist/bigot/sexist.  So, if I find racism repugnant and I inform someone that their remarks are offensive, I am being a hypocrite, because I should respect their right to be racist? Or I am somehow infringing on their First Am rights by not listening? Or I am being “rude” by calling them names? WTF?  I am supposed to respect shit like this?

You can see this more pointedly played out in all the “reverse” racism claims. Which apparently now can be used both offensively and defensively.  The offensive or ‘traditional’ use is when A attacks B as being “reverse racist” because B has either engaged in or supported actions that promote non-whites. See, for example this argument or this compilation of ridiculousness.  As I have written before, I think this is complete and utter bullshit. You don’t make things truly equal by just calling it equal.

But the new defensive use is even more mind-boggling. As you can see on any comment board, “reverse racism” is also when someone observes that a person or comment is racist. Because, as I understand it, you are assuming that it/they are racist because they are expressing racist thought. BUT, they insist they are NOT racist and that you, therefore, are racist, because you have assumed that they are racist. Yeah. I know. It’s confusing. But I am sure you all know what I am talking about.  For example, take this sign:

Obama Is...

If I point out that this sign is offensive and seems racist to me, the signholder would say (with the unrighteous indignation) ‘it isn’t about race! You keep making it about race – so YOU are the racist!’

But you know what? I didn’t make the sign.

Wal-Mart Is Pure Evil, Part 784

So, it will probably come as no surprise to someone who has read this blog (being that most people who read this blog, all 7 of them, actually know me) that I loathe Wal-Mart. In my entire life, I have been in a Wal-Mart exactly once and have bought exactly one item from Wal-Mart. Strangely, this was on my wedding day. And yes, I am flaky enough to worry that this act was just asking for bad luck. And even though I love my husband to teensy little crunchy bits, I would not be at all adverse to hearing tips on getting rid of any bad spirits, luck, mojo, karma, whatevs incurred by this unwise action that SFL readers might have.

But aside from that one incident, I have been steadfast in my intolerance for all things Wal-Mart (with the noted exception of this delightful website, much of which is NSFW and/or may cause instant vomiting and bleeding from the eyes).  So, this incident sadly came as no surprise. Long awful story short, two attorneys were shopping at their local Wal-Mart with their adopted children, when one was stopped and accused of shoplifting. The couple was detained, separated from their children, put in cop cars, and ultimately were let go when a review of the security tapes CLEARLY showed that neither man had stolen a single Bic lighter. Yes. Wal-Mart had accused the men of stealing a pack of Bic lighters.

Nonetheless, Wal-Mart banned both men from its hallowed environs FOR LIFE. Setting aside the fact that this is really in the best interests of everyone because NO ONE should be shopping at Wal-Mart, this is still asinine beyond belief. Nor does it end there. AFTER the men were cleared AND banned, Wal-Mart inexplicably SENT THE MEN A BILL FOR $158.40, presumably to reimburse Wal-Mart for the pain and suffering it incurred while unfairly detaining and accusing the couple and harassing their children.

Lest you leave my blog filled with rage over the PURE EVIL OF WALMART, let me leave you with this delightful and completely true anecdote.

Unsurprisingly, I have managed to pass along my negative opinions on Wal-Mart to my spawn. It isn’t like I tell them Wal-Mart is Satan’s favorite place to shop or that they will go blind if they shop there, but I make it clear that Wal-Mart sucks, and we don’t shop there for legitimate reasons. Some of those reasons apparently stuck in the quick and brilliant little mind of Spawn #1. When he was five (YES, FIVE), his grandmother (yes, that one, who is also the person who relayed this incident to me and did NOT find it amusing) decided that she was going to take #1 with her to Wal-Mart. #1 was NOT happy with this, and made his unhappiness known, but ultimately (because he is very reluctant to offend anyone) went along with Grandma.

#1 walked into Wal-Mart with a great deal of discomfort, I am told. Once he got inside, he looked around until he found a Wal-Mart employee. He then went up to her and tugged on her sleeve. When she asked him how she could help him, #1 asked HER “Are they treating you okay here? Do you have health insurance?”

I do not make this shit up. He has also tried to unionize our local Panera workers.


World of K

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